Rhino.ETLFull Package Syntax

time to read 1 min | 133 words

Okay, here is the full package syntax that I have now, which is enough to express quite a bit, I am now getting started on working on the engine itself, I am going to try the message passing architecture for now, since it is much more flexible.

	ConnectionType: SqlConnection,
	ConnectionString: "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Northwind; Integrated Security=SSPI;"

source Northwind, Connection="NorthwindConnection":
	Command: "SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE RequiredDate BETWEEN @LastUpdate AND @CurrentDate"
		@LastUpdate = date.Today.AddDays(-1)
		@CurrentTime = ExecuteScalar("NorthwindConnection", "SELECT MAX(RequiredDate) FROM Orders")

transform ToLowerCase:
	for column in Parameters.Columns:
		Row[column] = Row[column].ToLower() if Row[column] isa string

destination Northwind, Connection = "NorthwindConnection":
	Command: """
INSERT INTO [Orders_Copy]
	[CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate],[ShipVia],

pipeline CopyOrders:
	Sources.Northwind >> ToLowerCase(Columns: ['ShipCity','ShipRegion'])
	ToLowerCase >> Destinations.Northwind 

More posts in "Rhino.ETL" series:

  1. (04 Aug 2007) Status Report - Joins, Distinct & Engine work
  2. (21 Jul 2007) Full Package Syntax
  3. (21 Jul 2007) Turning Transformations to FizzBuzz tests
  4. (21 Jul 2007) Providing Answers