What is bad about good ideas?
I finalized thinking about Rhino.ETL late last night, and then went to bed. I couldn't sleep for over an hour later, kept rolling thinks in my head. When I caught myself thinking about how I would design the test strategy when I was in the shower, I knew that it is an emergency, this idea wants to get out, badly.
Help! I am attached by my own muse!
Geez, you're lucky you got to sleep at all. Usually these things keep me up in bed until I finally keel over from exhaustion or else get up and write down the idea and the interfaces...
I always find myself thinking about programming while I'm in the shower. My wife thinks it's the weirdest thing.
In the shower? Real programmers don't take a bath!
Ahh so you've joined the agile group of shower driven development. SDD relies on good tools, and unfortuantely we're in drought conditions so I've been unable to maintain my skillset lately.
Best of luck to you...
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