Rambled Thoughts
I am usually a big believer in separation of concerns for posts, but this a collections of interesting things that have crossed my path recently, which I don't have the time/energy to do full posts about.
- Andrew Davey is doing some cool things with Boo's new meta methods and Rhino Mocks.
- David Hayden has a cautionary tale about the dangers of unmaintainable code generation strategies
- Rob Walling writes about demotions to management and why it happens. I am striving hard to not get into that position by being slightly off from the politically correct route. I have done my stints in managing people, I can do it, maybe even be good at it, but I like to code better than herding cats.
- Linchi Shea has a post about the performance implications of not using the schema qualifier. Apparently it can range from 5% to over 25% difference in performance. Makes me happy that I am using NHibernate, 5% improvement is just a "hibernate.default_schema" away :-)
- Current pending email count: over one hundred items and counting...
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