You are allowed to disagree, too

time to read 2 min | 239 words

Just to clarify, the other side of this post in this one. Rob Conery says that he landed on my bad side. Allow me to clarify, I may disagree with with Rob, but I like this types of discussions.

Oh, and Rob, in the last week I posted 55 posts, 5 of which were about this discussion. Considering that this is usually how much I post in a week month, and considering that this is a topic which is (a) near and dear to my heart, (b) I disagree with Rob on this matter, I wouldn't be surprised to see more coming soon. I actually have one that I still need to work on, regarding Rob's to Evan's post.

What sucks is that ORM can easily be abused

The universe keeps producing better idiots, it is a shame, I know.

By the way, I agree with the spirit of what Rob is saying, except that I don't agree with the examples that he is using. Basically, going anywhere blinding is a bad approach, you should really learn the stack that you are using and be able to utilize every part of it. Closing off options because of dogma is a really bad place to be when the shit hit the fan.