ReSharper Wishlist
My main pain point with R# is very simple, when it generates properties or methods, it doesn't generate virtual ones. Since I tend to generate quite a few properties at one go, it is a pain to have to go and add it to all of them.
Currently the issue is marked as "Not for 3.0", which is something that I would like to change, please visit the issue and vote for it:
I would like many R# features to work properly. I discovered that it has no support for build providers so the generated classes are not recognized at all. They also refuse to properly support MSBuild. And it continually has some bug which causes an exception over and over. I routinely get it when I start an application. Apparently it does not like some kinds of assemblies. I have posted feedback to the R# team over and over and they just do not fix much. They add new features and introduce new bugs. I wish they would finally release a stable version. I have had a license since the first release which will not be valid for R# 3.0. It has the potential to be a great product but it really is quite unbearable. I do not see how they will be able to support C# 3.0 when they do not even fully support C# 2.0.
If you were using ViEmu:
:x,ns/public /public virutal/
where x and n is the starting / ending line number you want to do the search and replace
CTRL+H, public <tab><tab> public virtual
That is not the same
You've got my vote.
Brennan Stehling:
Every exception which is understood how it could occur, is fixed. We work hard to fix nearly all the problems in ReSharper, and if your problems/exceptions aren't fixed, then there is not enough information.
Please e-mail me the links to some of your problems, and I'll re-check their status.
Which constructs of C# 2.0 are not supported?
As for C# 3.0, it will be fully supported (parsing, error highlighting, quick-fixes, refactorings, etc.) in the next major ReSharper release.
Please help us to make ReSharper better. Thanks in advance.
Eugene Pasynkov, ReSharper dev team
Well I guess I am more concerned if my R# 2.5 needs to pay for upgrade... I bought it for half year... I would really be happy if I would entitle for a free upgrade :P
Well I guess I am more concerned if my R# 2.5 needs to pay for upgrade... I bought it for half year... I would really be happy if I would entitle for a free upgrade :P
Eugene Pasynkov,
Please read my response here.
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