Giving up:Test Driven Legacy UI

time to read 2 min | 224 words

I can hardly say that NHibernate Query Analyzer is a legacy application, but it does compromise of > 10,000 Lines of Code, most of them deal with UI.

I've blog before about the difficulities that I've had using a UI testing framework, and I'm not so sure that I do unit testing when I'm testing the UI, it's more like functional testing. And NQA is a fornt end tool more than anything else, there is very little functionality that doesn't relate directly to the UI, and most of the work is with the UI. And then there is the problem with testing forms?

What do you when your testing framework doesn't pass it's own test? BTW, I'm getting the same problems with NUnitForms. So I'm giving up on the dream of unit testing nearly everything. I've some tests that cover a meager amount of NQA functionality, but I don't know how totest anything more.

I've also integrated NCover and MbUnit into the build, and provided some build scripts to make it easier to build NQA. My new approach is to writing failing test for each new bug (currently I've 27 registered) and then fix it. I hope that this way I can manage to cover a significant amount of what NQA does.