Losing the Alpha Geeks: It is not about OSS
Scott Hanselman has a post titled: Is Microsoft losing the Alpha Geeks?
In general, I would think that such an organization would be a Good Thing, but it is completely irrelevant to bring the OSS issue into the discussion.
The reason that the "Alpha Geeks" are moving (moved?) from the Microsoft's stuff is very simple. Microsoft's stuff doesn't scale. It doesn't scale for development, it doesn't scale for ease of use, it doesn't scale for elegance.
Microsoft is very focused on the creation of software, but much less focused on working with software. This means that a lot of the issues that arise from working with a large code base over a long period of time have no answer from Microsoft except starting anew. Putting stuff out as OSS wouldn't change that as long as this is the overruling mindset at Microsoft.
Most of the OSS project has a very different mindset than that, but Microsoft is basically just making the source repository public, not OSSing projects. (To be rather exact, they don't work on OSS with the same mindset that other OSS project has, which is highly constrained resources).
I think that part of the problem is that MS is listening to Big customers, which may want what they are supplying, lot of wizards == cheap programmers. By doing so, they are losing the entire Long Tail, and almost by definition, the Alpha Geeks are at the head of the long tail.
To be honest .. I don;t think MS is listening to the BIG companies, so much as it is busy trying to attract the LAMP brigades ...
Switching to MS development isn't easy from a LAMP background, and a large percentage of LAMP developers are the junior / school / home user types that are just beginning development. LAMP is basically free ... and that attracts people who just want to learn.
Making MS development free (think VS express versions, C# and .NET, Silverlight, Popfly) and simple drag and drop (ASP.NET, particularly .NET 2.0 things like ObjectDataSource) makes it very easy to get into.
And we all know that a percentage of those developers will go on to become development professionals, and will tend to champion whichever development system they grew up on - so for MS it is a way of securing their future userbase.
Personally - I think ASP.NET 1.1 was pretty damn good, but ASP.NET 2.0 really was almost a retrograde step - rather than streamlining things and making better ways of doing thigs (like they did from C#1.0 to C#2.0), they just seem to want to make it far more drag and drop and hide far more of the real code behind the scenes. And that is a mistake ... becasue if you don;t know how horribly ObjectDataSource is doing it's work behind the scenes, how can you possibly know where your performance problems lie, or how to fix them ...
Amen brother!
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