DevTeach - Summary

time to read 3 min | 479 words

I am in Frankfurt right now [couldn't find network connection, so this is actually sent from Israel], waiting for the flight to Israel. Trans atlantic flights are getting very high on my list of things that I really don't like. Nevertheless, even with the burden of the travel, the conference itself was simply fantastic.

  • I stopped at a book store just before I left Canada, and stocked myself with fantasy books. Got a few technical books (Begining Ruby on Rails, Agile development in Java and Windows Rootkits) - I consider all three to be about expanding my horizions than anything else. I am getting too entrenched in my comport zone, I am thinking. To Roy, the technical fantasy book: "The Project That Didn't Fail" - is looking very good, not realistic, of course, but good plot.
  • Back to the conference stuff, the #1 reason to go is the people, hands down. I meet a lot of developers, and the overall quality at DevTeach was very high. The overall friendliness was awesome as well. After we finished all the lectures, we had a party (some speakers and attendees) that lasted for 10 hours and we had had similar parties in the previous two nights. My alcohol consumption level went way up, didn't notice any wierd behavior on my part, but I am not sure that I would.
  • Had a deep conversation with Adam while I was drunk, which I find hilarious now (mostly because of the effort in making myself both coherent and reasonable).
  • Bilingual sucks and I blame Udi. Apperantly I have a tendency to move between languages without noticing at certain points, usually it is only a word or two, but Udi has completely mess with my head with that. It is disturbing when I am talking English by default all of a sudden.
  • I mostly stuck to the agile track, so I didn't learn any new things, but it did make quite a few things clearer, and it was fun to be able to bounce ideas and thoughts off of people.
  • Roy & I managed to get some incriminating statements from Scott, which I have recorded, and will try to make available soon, get ready to start mocking him. :-)
  • Special thanks to Roy, for the "unprovoked CC'ing" and for a lot of help & tips in preparing for the presentations.