Rhino Mocks 3.0.5 Released
New features:
- A
oldnew syntax that is more explicit about the record replay model, courtesy of James Kovacs:
MockRepository mockRepository;
mockRepository = new MockRepository();
IFoo mockedFoo = mockRepository.CreateMock<IFoo>();
using (mockRepository.Record())
using (mockRepository.Playback())
Fooz fooz = new Fooz(mockedFoo);
Applied patch from Ross Beehler, adding more smarts to Validate.ArgsEqual
Bug fixes:
- Fixing an issue where virtual method calls in partial mocks ctors were not called.
Fixing an issue with mocking objects with protected internal abstract methods
You can get it in the usual place
Is VerifyAll() called implicitely at the end of this block?
using (mockRepository.Playback())
Yes, that is how it works.
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