How often do you refer to your own blog for advice?
One of the best reasons for having a blog is the ability to googlize your mind. I find that I keep referring to my own post from the past to do things. From adding performance tuning to an application to complex queries with NHibernate to SQL Syntax to old photos.
One of the most common searches that I do is " term", because I can remember the subjects of nearly all my posts, but the content expiry time is very short.
I think I refer to your blog more often then my own! :P ... hmm maybe I should blog more.
I refer to my blog, my link blog and the blogs that I read quite a lot
All the time. I'm using my blog as a dumping ground for ideas sometimes, problem solving, neat tips, etc. A lot of times I'll google something with the first hit on a blog entry I wrote which has me scratching my head, "Oh yeah, I remember writing that now".
My blog serves that purpose also. Unfortunately it's more of what other developers have found right now. The other reason is to share things I find with other developers who might be looking for the same thing that I am.
I do it too.
Sometimes I even search my own blog for things that I thought I had blogged about, but I did not.
This certainly was my intention when I started blogging, but I have not been consistent enough in my posting for it work out practically.
I use my blog for self-googling. When I find a technical problem, I want to share the solution, but I find myself referring back to the details next time I encounter the same problem. Also, when someone asks me how to solve a problem I blogged about, I can easily send them the link to the post.
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