Do not assume that your users are starting from scratch
I was pointed at Julie Lerman's blog, Sorting out LINQ and Entity Framework for Data Access. This statement caught my eye:
Why do you assume that we are doing it in the first place? This is supposed to be one of the two main advantages of Linq for Entities, the other being not being bound 1:1 to the database schema. If this is the target audiance for Linq for Entities, the people who are hand coding their DAL, then Microsoft has a problem.
About three to four years ago, it would have welcomed with open arms, but the standard about usable OR/M has changed since Microsoft announced and killed Object Spaces, and I get the sense that Microsoft isn't looking at what other Object Relation Mappers (both in .Net and elsewhere) are doing.
And to another point:
No further comment is neccesary, I believe.
Update: Removed wrong attribution.
Howdy S#*t! 6 new query languages??? Microsoft you must be really kidding...
I have my six sense turn up and don't believe MS will ever create anything looks like an ORM afterall. They have been really mad about this topic (DAO, ADO, ADO.NET... none of them are providing any sense of ORM, and still MS ENJOYS TO SHARE WITH EVERYONE ABOUT THEIR LAME CODE ON DAL.) I think unless one day RedHat acquired MS and the Hibernate team busted MS ADO team, this would not happen :)
When you insert "the data team" in my quote, that sounds like I am speaking on behalf of Microsoft. That may not hav been your purpose, but I just wanted to clarify: I don't work for Microsoft and am not on the data team. I was saying "we, the developers who are trying to learn all of this stuff".
And to the point about hand coding dal - I see this as a side benefit, not a main benefit. However, to entry level users, this is a quickly realized benefit. I hardly think that this is the core target for EF users.
Thanks for the clarification, I fixed it.
This is the part that made me think that this is one of the major benefits for EF.
There is nothing wrong with hand coded DAL, this blog is using a hand coded DAL. It is just that I see that this attitude is what seems to guides the EF.
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