Rhino Mocks 3.0 Beta 4
Well, a bit late, there is a new beta out. Don't bother to looks for beta 3, it doesn't exists, turned out that I named the beta 2 "beta 3", so I skipped a number.
- Regression with closed generic types inheriting from open generic types that contains generic properties of the generic type, if the property is overriden
- Fixed a problem with the new semantics of CallOriginalMethod
- Fixed a problem mocking internal types that are not nested
- Misleading exception when you pass a mock object of type that override ToString() to an unexpected method.
- BREAKING CHANGE: Moved all the constraints to Rhino.Mocks.Constraints namespace. This was done to avoic conflicts with NUnit and MbUnit's new assert syntax.
Both NUnit and MbUnit are moving to support constaints for assertions, this means that we are getting conflicts. I already asked both NUnit and MbUnit devs to move their constaints to separate namespace, and moving the constaints to a separate namespace in Rhino Mocks as well would reduce the possibility of conflicts. Note that this change merely means that you need to add a "using Rhino.Mocks.Constraints;", annoying for people with a lot of tests, but I believe that this is a good decision.
If nothing goes wrong, I hope to release 3.0 next week. Source and binaries are here.
I can't seem to get any of the zip files I downloaded to work. They (Beta 2 & 4 & latest stable) are all saying the zip file is corrupt. I tried from a 2 different machines with the same results. Any help would be great, thanks.
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