Hbm Editor, nearly finished
Well, I'm nearly done with it, I think that you ought to like the interface, it's not done yet, but it still allows for some really nice stuff like:
- On-the-fly schema checking - so you get visible errors with clear messages that tell you what you did wrong.
- Support all the possible valid mapping according to the schema.
- UI-ish way to add elements & attributes.
- On-the-fly visual feedback on the way your final Xml will look like.
What remain to be done:
- Code highlighting for the xml window.
- Tighter integration with the code & the model, meaning that class variables will give you the ability to search for classes, etc.
- Finish off some edge cases (id vs. composite-id and several others).
- Add support for removing elements.
- Integrate the editor with the rest of NQA.
- Build the code generation from the mapping document (hbm2net, hbm2ddl, etc).
- [Update: Make better UI, the icons are just rundom images from my computer. There has got to be a better way to do this.]
What is cool:
- All the interface is done without knowing anything about the data it is displaying, it's all runtime reflection stuff and some editing of the code to express ideas that were not trasffered by xsd.exe (which elements/attributes are required, types of attributes, etc).
- You can load an existing document right now and it'll display it on the UI and let you explore/change it in a nice way.
[Update: The code is in the repository if you want to play with it. It's 5:14AM on my timezone, and I didn't feel the time flying, I'm going to sleep now and hopefully I'll manage the rest of the changes tomorrow.]
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