Rhino Mocks 3.0 Beta Released!
Took a while, and a lot of effort, but it is here. Thanks to Hammett who did all the hard work making Dyanmic Proxy 2.
New stuff:
- Generic Methods (at last!)
- Support arrays of value types as out parameters
- Support non-CLS Compliant value types such as UInt64
- Better error messages when using generic delegate methods on generic types
- Generally faster
- There should be zero problems moving to the new release. If you do get into such a problem, I would like to hear about it.
- It supports only the .Net 2.0 framework. This is because Dynamic Proxy 2 is currently 2.0 only, which is due to change at a future date.
Why beta?
- While I am convinced that this a working release, I want to aovid a flurry of 3.0.1, 3.0.2, etc in the case it is not. In addition to that, I made a fairly big change under the cover, and I would like to test that in the field first.r
Source and binaries are here.
Update: I forgot to merge the Castle.Core assembly in, if you had any problems with it, please download the file again.
Thank you, Ayende! Cannot wait to try it...
Great stuff - thanks!
A bit off topic - but I have some code I inherited that has a lot of 2.0 Datatables being returned.
Does Rhino Mock work with datatable objects?
The codes uses the .net table adapters to fill a datatable and return it.
I strongly recommend not to mock datatables directly, this is possible, but it is not an API that is nice to work with.
Since Data Tables are very easy to create, I would suggest mocking the API that return/ accept them.
At the moment, Rhino Mocks doesn't have constraints that deals with data tables / data sets, but it should be pretty easy to build some, and I would love to add them to the mix.
Very cool. Do you know of any breaking changes from 2.9x?
No, there shouldn't be any.
There are some bugs that I am fixing, though.
I've just started posting about Rhinomocks and I've been asked about generics from couple of people.
Now I can start answering that :)
Rhino Mocks supported generics for a long time, it is just Generic Methods support that is new.
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