Integration Issue

time to read 2 min | 318 words

This is the first time that I am really trying to bulid a serious integration tests framework for a project. By this I mean a set of tests that really test drive my application (through the UI, through high level overviews that cross cut the system, etc). This brings some interesting problems into the table.

For instance, I am not able to do something like:

> msbuild /target:Integration
> msbuild default.buiild /target:Integration

During the build I am creating a virtual directory, and then I am hitting the site using Selenium, verifying stuff from the UI. The problem is that doing this will lock the build directory, so I can't run a build directly after that (for instance, if the build failed, or if two developers commits near one another).

Additional issue is that Selenium cannot be run from a service (require interacting with the desktop), so I sort of run the build service from a user desktop. I know that I can allow a service to interact with the desktop, but this requires an existing desktop, which means that I need a logged on user anyway.

Another issue is generating the database, once for the test and once for the deployed site, all of that while keep the dev machine DB alive and well (since it is something that developers will also run, usually before a commit).

Anyway, I am learning quite a bit of bad practices that I should avoid in the future at the moment :-)