Active Directory Authentication, Part 2

time to read 5 min | 880 words

After getting some advise about the previous piece of code, I decided to dig deeper, and here is what I have now:

public bool IsValidLogin(string username, string password)


       ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider membershipProvider = new ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider();

       NameValueCollection args = new NameValueCollection();

       args["connectionStringName"] = connectionStringName;

       membershipProvider.Initialize("Extranet", args);

       return membershipProvider.ValidateUser(username, password);


I would probably want to cache the provider, but this is the easiest way I could find to do it, and if something isn't working, I can blame Microsoft :-). I don't think that I need to worry about thread-safety issues, because providers must be thread-safe anyway.