Did you know? SharpDevelop in under LGPL!

time to read 2 min | 248 words

And appernatly has been this way for quite a while. I was still under the impression that it was under GPL, which meant that I couldn't make use of its components in my application, but it being LGPL, it is making stuff much easier. For those of you whom the last sentence means nothing, here is a Great OSS Licensing Debate in a two sentences: GPL is viral, LGPL is not. GPL means no traditional commercial use, LGPL allows it*.

SharpDevelop was under GPL for its 1.0 version, and I continued to think of it as GPL in its 2.0/2.1 and 3.0 versions. Now that it is under LGPL, I can make use of it, and the most interesting piece at the moment is ICSharpCode.NRefactory, which is a C# code parser. Why is this important? It means that I can now start slice & dice code in a very easy fashion. My previous example used this approach, and I think that it is great!

I can now use it to overcome annoyances in the langauge / framework, I am just afraid of ending up with Ayende# :-), so I'll probably limit it to the more interesting places, like the perf counter sample.

* Yes, it is completely wrong when you get down to the details, if you really want to understand the differences, google it, there is a host of stuff on it.