Lions and Tigers And Bears, Oh My!

time to read 1 min | 176 words

I can't make up my mind about how to create the Hbm Editor. I tried to create a normal data-entry GUI, but that was very complex, both in code and in terms of usablity.

I'm currently thinking about doing a different approach, here are the options:

This is what I've now, I'm not very happy with this though, it's not so clear what is going where, and the code is absymal, to say the least.

This is a mock of the interface that I dream, basically, you get to configure the Hbm file using the tree on the left side (using context menu options) and then you can see it as text on the screen. A natural step would be on-the-fly parsing & displaying on the tree.

What do you think? Which do you prefer? I'm leaning toward the second option, but I want your opinions.