Code Review Tools
I am searching for a tool to help with code reviews. This is something that is done after the fact, not before commits, by the way. Specifically, what I am thinking about is a tool that let me browse checkins into the source control, select one for review, add comments to it, etc.
I wrote the above sentence, and then went to Trac, and took a look at the Timeline view. It seems to be that this may be a way to do it, while handling the code reviews as tickets in Trac as well.
At any rate, I would like to be able to get a tool that says what has changed and needs reviews, or able to give me a diff over more than a single commit. I just thought of a new thing that I would like, something along the line of getting all the changes in this directory from last time that I reviewed it. I can get a diff from subversion, but attempting to understand something with just a diff is non trivial.
Any recommendatiosn about tools for doing this?
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