RavenDB 5.0 entered code freeze status
RavenDB 5.0 has reached the code freeze point. That is both a great milestone in the road to the release and a huge frustration (we just complete a huge feature that won’t make it to 5.0).
What this means is that we are now on track for a 5.0 release on the week of July 6th, 2020. Just under a month away from now.
The new release has a host of new features and improvements, with time series and documents compression being at the top of the list.
Please take it for a spin and provide us with your feedback. In addition to the features, there are also performance, monitoring and stability improvements that we are very eager to see put to the test.
You can download it here to test it on your own machines or deploy it on the cloud (including the free option).
First of all, congrats!
But I'm curious about one thing... How exactly do you decide when to break off, when including new features in the next major release?
I know that it's all subjective in the end, but still, I'm wondering... If there's a major feature that's basically complete now, why not try and include it in the pending release, even if that would mean changing past plans and delaying the release for, say, a month? Is it such an unacceptable thing to do?
I realize that it may be more prudent, from the revenue vatange point, to spread the features over more than one release. But if something major, as you say, is basically ready? If it's attractive enough, why not delay the release until it's finalized?
Bear in mind, that this is not a critique of any sort! I've recently (after a very long time) started to look around adopting RavenDB for my work. So far, I'm liking what I see very much! This is just an honest question, because I'm personally struggling with similar questions from time to time during my own work.
I'd appreciate hearing about your insight and opinion!
All good questions, I think that I answered them here: https://ayende.com/blog/189313-C/nine-women-nine-months-nine-babies-oh-my
But in general, it is about risk, reward and the amount of work required.Completing a feature codewise is only the start of the process, in many cases. We need to get docs, a marketing plan and how it fits into a whole story.
If a beta of Raven DB is downloaded ahead of the release, how does a developer access the documentation and APIs specific to RavenDB 5? e.g. the docs and nuget packages related to the time series functionality.
Or will those only be available at release time?
For the clients, you can use: https://myget.org/gallery/ravendb
For the docs, we haven't completed them yet, so they aren't us. You can look at the raw work here: https://github.com/ravendb/docs/pull/1152
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