RavenDB Cloud
RavenDB now offers cloud hosting for RavenDB clusters. Manage your data with this awesome solution built by the RavenDB team. Access through cloud.ravendb.net.
A free option is available.
When I wrote the first few lines of code for RavenDB over a decade ago, Amazon Web Services still had the beta label on it and deploying to production meant a server in the basement. The landscape for server-side software has changed considerably. Nowadays you have to justify not running on the cloud. Originally, RavenDB’s features were driven by the kind of systems and setup found in a typical corporate data center. Now a lot of our features are directly impacted by the operating environment in the various cloud platforms.
The same team that develops RavenDB itself now offers a database as a service solution (DBaaS) that can be found at cloud.ravendb.net. Our service offering is available on all Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure regions, with Google Cloud Platform soon to follow.
What do you get?
You get a fully managed service. We take care of all backend chores of your databases while you focus on building your applications to deliver even more value to your business.
We have done everything possible to make sure that the only task you’ll need to do is come up with the data to put into RavenDB Cloud. Tasks such as monitoring, updating or managing the system, and even creating a default backup task per database, are the responsibility of our team and are handled without a fuss behind the scenes.
The DBaaS package includes encryption over the wire as well as encryption at rest -- you can also deploy encrypted databases with your own encryption keys.
The idea of dynamic scaling in managed systems has been a core tenant for cloud architecture, and RavenDB Cloud fits right into this model. In just a few clicks you can provision a cluster, deploy it to anywhere in the world, and start working. If you need more capacity, a simple click will provide you with more resources -- without your code or your customers even being aware.
If you have a Black Friday event or a special discount day coming, you can scale up your system ahead of time. If during that day you are pleasantly surprised with more than anticipated activity, you can power through the spike by scaling immediately and then reduce the capacity back to normal levels once the peak is traversed.
But RavenDB Cloud is not just about reducing the overhead of running databases -- we built RavenDB Cloud to save you money. As a highly tuned system, you can manage your load on fewer resources, which also translates into more savings down the line.
Pricing Model
Our cloud offering has an on-demand subscription as well as discounts for yearly contracts. A 10% introductory discount is now available, lasting to the rest of this year.
Some hosted databases solutions charge you per request or per maximum utilized capacity. Such solutions are complex to understand when it comes to billing time. I intensely dislike complexity -- especially when it comes to bills! Price predictability is important to us. With RavenDB Cloud, you pay for your resources at a flat and known rate to make sure there won’t be any surprises at the end of the month.
The RavenDB instances can be configured a-la-carte, according to your needs. A tailored solution with geo distributed clusters, support for on-premise & cloud integration, widely distributed deployments and custom instance types is only an email away.
RavenDB Cloud has several tiers of clusters available. If you are running a small to medium sized application, you can go with our basic instances and enjoy a reduced cost. For more demanding workloads, you can use more performant instances that have full access to the cloud resources to get maximum performance.
RavenDB Cloud also has a completely free option. Go to cloud.ravendb.net and select the free option. You’ll have your own secured, managed and hassle-free instance of RavenDB in moments. Go ahead and try it out right now.
What about RavenHQ?
RavenHQ has been providing managed RavenDB instances since 2012. It will continue offering RavenDB hosting for version 3.5 and earlier. RavenDB Cloud will provide managed clusters for RavenDB 4.2 and up.
Migrating from a RavenDB 4.x instance hosted on RavenHQ to RavenDB Cloud is simple and can be done in just a few clicks.
Not only will migrating to RavenDB Cloud not cost you anything extra, for most cases your new managed database service will be cheaper than what you had before.
Nice! Any chance to get the free offer in Azure as well as AWS?
Great news! Can I ask will free tier be available in Europe regions?
Gleb, We'll consider it, probably not for a couple of months, though
Which backup solutions are supported for this? S3 and Azure Blob storage?
Best news!!! This is the most wanted news i was waiting.
In this managed service i´ll be able to create a custom cluster wide certificate? I need to create new databases at runtime, in my saas app.
GCP support would be awesome, both for hosting and backup storage
Gleb, Azure Blob Storage, Amazon S3, Amazon Glacier, GCP Storage, S/FTP
Backup to GCP is already there.
Gabriel, Yes, the result of the operation is a cluster and you get a certificate to manage your cluster that you can use with the usual RavenDB API. Creating databases on the fly is common operation and require no special APIs.
Will it be possible to stop a cluster (and only pay for the underlying storage), as we have several apps that only need to be on during certain hours of the day. Even better would be a feature to set a schedule where the cluster powers on/off automatically.
Paul, not every cloud provider supports this option. IIRC, Azure will charge you when the VM is shut down - got burned by it last year
Paul, Not at this time, no. This is something that really depend on the underlying cloud provider, and complicate billing by quite a bit. It also complicate operations, because if the DB shuts down, but you need it (some people stay up late, system goes down), it is a hassle to figure out how to restore.
Gleb, there's a difference in Azure between a VM that is Stopped, where resources are still allocated to it and it has a cost, vs. one that is Stopped (Deallocated).
This is great news and I'm having fun playing with it.
A few notes:
There's no way to change an account name? When I signed up, I used "judahtest". I can click "Account" and see that test name, but there's no way to change it.
There should be documentation saying that the password for the pfx is empty. I was poking around the site and the docs for the password. I had to discover the password is empty. Obvious in retrospect? But not immediately clear.
Size: glad to see the free size includes 10GB.
Glad to have a free instance.
Nearly all of my projects require a dev enironment, a QA environment, and a production environment. I'm willing to pay for production, but must we pay for QA and dev? Because there's only 1 free DB per account, I don't see a way around this.
Once I terminate a product, it still shows up on my dashboard as "terminated." Can it be hidden by default? I often spin up databases and take them down for testing; I don't need to see the terminated ones here.
Pricing: You're missing the sweet spot of $20-$60/month. Currently, I can have my free instance, but the cheapest production pricing appears to be $0.121/hour, which comes out to $87.12/month. I'd really like a "small production" instance, even if it means having just a single node.
I was mistaken about environments. With regards to having multiple databases for a project (Dev, QA, UAT, etc.), I see I can setup a "free" product, then create multiple databases inside that. It wasn't initially clear, but now I see that. That works for my Dev/QA/UAT.environments.
Judah, Oh, forgot something. About single node dev mode. We don't want people to run production system on them because it make life _hard_. It means no secondary backup, no way to run operations with no downtime, etc. The low cost of dev instances used in prod is going to have very high impact in the end.
There are lower options available, I think we have a ~50$ production cluster offer that is in the wings, but I don't know how many people will want to actually use that.
Hey, thanks Oren. For what it's worth, for my side projects, I'm running an Azure Virtual Machine and running Raven inside that. We're doing something similar for our environments at 3M. It works OK, but I'd rather give that money to you, not to Microsoft. I mean, it doesn't make sense that I'm paying MS to run Raven.
I really like Raven Cloud. I hope it becomes a financial success. Given on your post earlier this year on open source business models, I feel like the cloud hosting model is a good long-term fit for Raven.
Judah, I agree in principle, the issue is mostly around additional costs that are probably not as visible.outside. From your point of view, having a VM running RavenDB via community license is probably the cheapest option, and that works.
However, from our perspective, it is an issue of the 2AM wake-up call. A large part of our infrastructure is designed to be resilient, and the only way to actually achieve that is to use proper HA with multiple machines. Giving users the ability to run a single instance will reduce the costs, sure, but a single machine will absolutely go down. Whatever it is for server maintenance, updating of RavenDB, burning through CPU credits, actual failure, etc.
At that point, given that you have a production system on this, the immediately result is panic and a call to our support with an irate client and a downed system. With a cluster having multiple instances, that turn a System Down event into a non issue, because it allows you to ignore such failures. That turn out to lead to happier customers, support stuff that doesn't have to do much, etc.
Back to your RavenDB on VM example, in this mode, there is no expectation from you that we are responsible for your system. If it is down, you're the one that is going to have to fix that. And that is the reasoning behind not wanting to offer a single instance mode for production.
I'd love to see a free(ish) option for Azure.
In West Europe region, Cosmos DB is crazy expensive for pet projects, Table Storage is almost free, but de-facto deprecated, Azure Sql is €4 up to 2Gb, MongoDB Atlas is free for 512Mb, and crazy expensive for anything above.
If Raven can get around Sql figures, it might be quite helpful for adoption, if not revenue.
Oleg, Azure resource tend to be more expensive, but RavenDB on Azure will give you low tier development machine for < 10$ / month.with 32GB disk. For production (3 nodes, more powerful machine, HA) - the cost is close to 90$ / month.
Anyone that could point me out to, or mention monitoring solutions in order to get some alerts in place. I know it is extensible as it offers SNMP over an API out of the box, are there any particular recommendations from experience that anyone could suggest?
Usually we monitor the cloud systems. You can monitor via SNMP, as you mentioned, as well.
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