What I find exciting, part II
I am not sure if I should feel this way, but I just finished writing a paged table in MonoRail, and that brought a complete sense of satisfaction. No, it isn't a major techincal challange. :-) It is just that I know,all the up and all the way down, what is going on, and I wholly approve. More and more I find how important it is to control as much as possible of the stack as possible.
If I try to constract the code required to handle the full "get from the database, show paged view on form" functionaly in ASP.Net WebForms + DataSet (the "default" ASP.Net architecture) vs. MonoRail + Active Record, I find that I get about the same line count, but the functionality offered is greater (custom paging doesn't require a chicken, for instnace), and there isn't magic stuff going on that I can't get into (view state, data binding).
The amount of flexibility that I have when working with the MR + AR stack is far greater. Moreover, I find that I don't feel that I am hacking when I am using MonoRail. All too often I need to do something a bit out of line in WebForms, and then I find that I need to write hackish code (e.Cells[12].FindControl("lnkDelete").Enabled = UserHasPermission; is hackish, and not maintainable).
The mere fact that I can look at code that does paging and say: "You know, this is really cool." speaks for itself, I think.
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