Gossip much? Operating with partial information, and getting the right result.
Unlike the previous two posts, this is going to be short. Primarily because what I wanted to talk about it what impresses me most with both HyParView and Plumtree. The really nice thing about them is that they are pretty simple, easy to understand and produce good results.
But the fun part, and what make it impressive is that they manage to achieve that with a small set of simple rules, and without any attempt to create a global view. They operate just fine with potentially very small set of the data overall, but still manage to operate, self optimize and get to the correct result. In fact, I did some very minor attempts to play with this at large scale, and we see a pretty amazing emergent behavior. Without anyone knowing what is going on globally, we are able to get to the optimal number of interactions in the cluster to distribute information.
That is really pretty cool.
And because this post is too short, I’ll leave you with a question. Given that you have this kind of infrastructure, what would you do with it? What sort of information or operations would you try to send using this way?
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