Is the library open or not?

time to read 5 min | 941 words

An interesting challenge came across my desk. Let us assume that we have a set of libraries, which looks like this:

    "Name": "The Geek Hangout",
    "OpeningHours": {
        "Sunday": [
            {   "From": "08:00", "To": "13:00"  },
            {   "From": "16:00", "To": "19:00"  }
        "Monday": [
            {   "From": "09:00", "To": "18:00"  },
            {   "From": "22:00", "To": "23:59"  }
        "Tuesday": [
            {   "From": "00:00", "To": "04:00"  },
            {   "From": "11:00", "To": "18:00"  }
    "Name": "Beer & Books",
    "OpeningHours": {
        "Sunday": [
            {   "From": "16:00", "To": "23:59"  }
        "Monday": [
            {   "From": "00:00", "To": "02:00"  },
            {   "From": "10:00", "To": "22:00"  }
        "Tuesday": [
            {   "From": "10:00", "To": "22:00"  }

I only included three days, to make it shorter, but you get the points. You can also see that there are times that the opening hours go through a day.

Now, the question we need to answer is: “find me an open library now”.

How can we answer such a question? If we were using SQL, it would be something like this:

select * from Libraries l 
where Id in (
         select Library Id OpeningHours oh 
         where oh.Day = dayofweek(now()) AND oh.From >= now() AND oh.To < now()

I’ll leave the performance of such a query to your imagination, but the key point is that we cannot actually express such a computation in RavenDB. We can do range queries, but in this case, it is the current time that we compare to the range of values. So how do we answer such a query?

As usual, but not trying to answer the same thing at all. Here is my index:


The result of this is an index entry per day, and in each index entry, we have outputted the half hours that this library is open. So if we want to check for libraries that are open on Sunday at 4:30 PM, all we have to do is issue the following query:


The power of dynamic fields and index time computation means that this is an easy query to make, and even more importantly, this is something that we can answer very efficiently.