Google Domains won’t take my money
This is frustrating. I’m trying to use the new Google Domains (if only because I’m sick of GoDaddy’s aggressive upsale approach).
This is what happened when I tried it.
That sucks, but I’m actually a business user for Google Apps, so I called their support. I’m currently on the 32th minute of the call, and so far they explained to me numerous times that this is not possible to do, and are still unable to tell me why they are refusing to take my card.
I can understand, beta service and all of that, but using Wallet isn’t beta, and not being able to tell me what is wrong is not cool.
All I get is "We’re sorry. Google Domains may not be available in your country."
Can you send me an invitation code?
this was the same error I got 1 month ago. seems like they didn't fix this yet.
Have you tried I haven't used it myself, but the owner/founder was a guest on the dot net rocks podcast a while ago. highly recommended.
Google is too big to change its policies based on individual cases.
You can use Amazon AWS Route53 for buying domains. I haven't used it yet, but my next purchase I will since all my domains route thru Route53.
I use Google Domains with my Israeli credit card and I'm very satisfied with it. disclaimer: I also work for Google, but I didn't have any problem which needed inside help. I reached out in our internal mailing list. I hope it will get some attention.
Is that payment method linked to a US address? I found that while it'll list all available methods in my google wallet, only the ones with a US address would be accepted for payment. YMMV
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