The RavenDB Experts Network
I am proud to announce another service that Hibernating Rhinos now offers. A network of experts that are now available for RavenDB work in many parts of the world.
This is in addition to our recent enterprise partnership agreement with Managed Designs, which gives us the ability to offer consulting, training and support services throughout most of Europe.
We now have experts available in:
- Dublin, Ireland
- London, UK
- Toruń, Poland
- Dallas, Texas, USA
- Austin, Texas, USA
- Chicago, Illinois, USA
Those experts are available for RavenDB consulting and support, so you can get a local experts backed by our own expertise on RavenDB. If you are interested in having one of those people show up, ping our support email.
In addition to that, I intend to be visiting the stats starting mid November, so if you are interested in having me show up for a day or two of consulting, or even a private RavenDB course, my schedule calls for visit for the following locations:
- New York, NY
- Trenton, NJ
- Pittsburgh, PA
- Orlando, FA
- Raleigh, NC
- Dallas, TX
Ping me if you are interested in a visit. In addition to that, any user groups in the area that might be interested, I would love to pop and and give a guest lecture.
Turin in Poland? Really?
Ravendb 'More like this' would suggest: Torun, Poland or Turin, Italy
Itmeze, You are correct, I wrote it based on my memory, but that isn't how it is spelled.
I'm wondering if there will be any opportunity for individuals to be registered as RavenDB experts? There is no way that I'm going back to pushing SQL around now that I've had chance to use Raven. It'd be nice if there was a go to place for people looking for developers who have a clue with Raven. Not everyone necessarily wants a consultancy. Knowing that there is a pool of talent for a particular product could potentially swing adoption decisions for larger companies as well...
Actually the same could probably be same for C# and HTTP but thats a separate conversation.
Simon, Contact our support and talk to us, we're happy to accept additional people
Any chance we will have experts in Africa ?
Coder, We don't have anyone there at the moment, but we offer world wide consulting
Ayende, come to Christchurch, New Zealand. It's beautiful here, summer and a big tech community...
Andy, Flight time along is two days! Seriously, if I can get a consulting contract there for a week or two, that is an option.
What about Australia? We were talking on a potential visit (long time ago), is that still on the cards?
you can do Australia and New Zealand in one visit.
Sarmaad, Yes, I can do AU & NZ at the same time, but I need something concrete to go there.
nice Poland xD
How do you validate those guys' skills? I bet some of them worked on RavenDB.
Jiggaboo, Pretty much everyone on the list has contributed to RavenDB codebase, have run RavenDB projects and have been able to do non trivial stuff with it.
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