RavenDB session management in ASP.Net Web API
This was brought up in the mailing list, and I thought it was an interesting solution, therefor, this post.
A couple of things to note here. I would actually rather use the Initialize() / Dispose() methods for this, but the problem is that we don’t really have a way at the Dispose() to know if the action threw an exception. Hence, the need to capture the ExecuteAsync() operation.
For fun, you can also use the async session as well, which will integrate very nicely into the async nature of most of the Web API.
Just curious, I am fairly new to RavenDb and so far, I have seen that mocking is not the way we test along with RavenDb.
But in above case, don't we direct dependency on DocumentStore? For an ASP.NET Web API application which has unit testing in mind, what would you recommend?
Tugberk, RavenDB can run in pure in memory mode, perfect for unit testing.
Had a similar question in mind - do you recommend firing up an in memory raven db per unit test or fire one up and use for a batch of tests. Is there any performance issue in firing up an in memory store (since using a fresh one per test would be purer).
Ashic, We use one in memory store per test.
Why not create a DelegatingHandler and push that into your configuration? You can push the session object into HttpRequestMessage.Items. Was there a reason you chose to subclass ApiController instead?
Ryan, It was the most obvious thing to do, this is similar to how I handle things in ASP.Net MVC
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