An Answer To Remember
I frequent some of the programming forums in Tapuz. Justin has decided to answer a question there that cracks me up every time that I read it (5 - 6 times so far).
The question was why "Dim objRegex as Regex" gave an error, by the way. I have no idea if it will be as funny in English, but here is Justin's answer:
Have you considered reading the error message?
It tells you "I don't have any idea what is this Regex thingie that you are talking about, but maybe it is this thing Regex that sits in System.Text.RegularExpressions. So if you want to use this Regex that you keep mentioning, then either put Text.RegularExpressions.Regex or just put a reference at the top of the page that would tell me to always looks into System.Text.RegularExpressions.
In the meantime, I will just sit here quitely, in the dark, incide you CPI. There isn't much to do.
Oh, look, a bit."
That is more or less what the compiler is try to tell you :-)
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