How to read a file, the IoC way...
I mentioned that it can take me quite a bit of code to read
a file. After carefully consulting the documentation, I have come to realize
that INT21 calls are not necessary in .Net. A bit amazed, I took a look at the
code, which grew in leaps and bounds and is now self sustaining, according to
my research.
I don’t believe in UML, but I do believe in pretty
pictures, so I put together the following picture.
I left out several pieces, like the file parser, to focus on
the important issue, which is reading a file. The big fun was to listen to a
list of requirements and say “Yes, I can do that”, “Yes, should
be easy”, “Already there”, etc. Building the configuration is
a bit like playing puzzles, each part of the application is truly separated.
You get nice configuration bugs this way. I accidently put
the mark done action before the parse file action, and couldn’t
understand why it wasn’t working. J
This is the first project in a long time where I did not
use NHibernate. I now regret this position bitterly, ADO.Net is just a PITA to
work with. The amount of repeating code that you need to write is amazing, the amount
of strings is also frightening. I’ll probably put NHibernate there
anyway, since that would significantly reduce the amount of stuff that I need
to do. I am not sure that this is an overkill or not. Right now I start
to get into the data access for the application itself, and it looks like it
will be needed anyway.
There is only so much datasets that I can stand.
Anyway, most of those pieces were developed TDD`ed and
separately; I had major worries about integration, but it passed rather
smoothly. I love Windsor, and in this case, it is the
application. The above should be the simplified live object graph, as it was
generated by Windsor. Call a single method on the coordinator, and the system
starts rolling. Input comes in, and the system responds, often in fairly complex
The only output that I have at the moment is log4net output,
which is a great help in general, but thought me quite a bit about what is
considered good logging.
“Executing action” is generally not a good log
By the way, anyone knows of a good way to draw complex
object graphs? The example above is nice, but it is one dimensional and show
just a single aspect of the object graph. The case in point, under both the clock
and the file watcher, I’ve many sub trees, and it is just not possible to
get them all there in the structure above. You would lose sight of the
forest from all the trees. J
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