Officially crazy

time to read 1 min | 168 words

About six months ago, I downloaded all of DotNetRocks, this meant that I had ~7.5 GB of shows to listen to. Today I downloaded the newest one, #180 and it is the last one in the whole set that I have to hear.

This is over 200 hours of podcasts in six months, or over an hour listening each day. Of course, I don’t listen to it each day, I mostly listen on commute. This just says that I spent way too much time stuck in traffic.

This does present a problem, for six months I had a reliable source of technical content to listen to. Now I am bereft, I actually listened to the radio in the car today. There is such a thing called “Music” which I remember hearing once, it is nice. The problem is that there is also advertisement for boring stuff. The ads in DotNetRocks are at least relevant.

So, without further ado, what do you listen to that worth the time?