NUnit 2.4 Alpha

time to read 2 min | 292 words

Halleluja! Check out the release notes for NUnit 2.4. Here are the things that I'm excited about.

  • Can install by non administrators
  • CollectionAssert - At long last, we have it. I can't tell you how often I wanted those asserts. And check out the methods that this has.
    • AllItemsAreNotNull
    • AllItemsAreUnique
    • Contains
    • IsEmpty
    • IsSubsetOf / IsNotSubsetOf
  • File Assert with support for steams!
  • App.config per assembly

The most important thing is that they have (finally) setup / teardown at the assembly level! This is a huge deal for me, since I write a lot of applications that require initial state, and then I need to remember initializing it in the setup of each test.

They also have support for setup / teardown per namespace, which is really strange.

This is looking really cool.