Book Review Part 2: Data Binding with Windows Forms 2.0: Programming Smart Client Data Applications with .NET
Here is the rest of my review of this book.
Chapter 6 has a fairly complete introduction to the DataGridView
control, which actually made sense to me. I'm still not certain how I'm going
to go implement my UI, but this is mainly because I want hirerchial display of
some sort, and apperantly the DataGridView doesn't support this. Since it is
should be a two level hirerchy only, it shouldn't be a problem to display on
the side, rather than on the grid itself, but I'm wonderring if I should take
the time to investigate Infragistics' controls and see how easy it would be to
this versus displaying it on a seperate grid.
Chapter 7: Right now I'm in the middle of it, and it is very boring. It
covers all the essenstials interfaces for data binding, and I know I need those,
it is just that some of this I know and most of this I will need to know, but I
am slightly sick and it is a dry read.
So far it has only served to convince me that this stuff is not trivial.
Chapter 9 is supposed to show how I can implement it over normal business
objects without too much trouble. I'm waiting expectantly, I really hope to
avoid having to handle all the gotchas there myself.
I don't believe that I didn't know anything about TypeDescriptor and
friends up until now, I kept doing it all by hand.
Chapter 8: Skipped this one right now, it talks about implementing data
bound controls, which I have zero intention to do (ever!) . I'll probably be
back later to check on it anyway, since it has cool stuff like "Autocompleting
Input in a TextBox Control"
Chapter 9: Finally, I get to the real thing. "Implementing Custom
Data-Bound Business Objects and Collections" is the whole reason I'm
reading this book. So far it looks liket the author has as strong a bias toward
DataSets as I have against them :-) I ended up implementing the functionality
that I need right now by myself. Since the bulitin support isn't enough. There
are a lot of ideas about how to implement the interfaces correctly.
Chapter 10: Talks about validations and error handling, I'm skipping it
right now.
Overall, this is a really good book, I don’t have time to play
with everything that the author shows, but it looks very interesting.
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