Ranting About Design: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream vs. ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.GZip.GZip*Stream

time to read 2 min | 252 words

I had a change today to look at the implementation of both classes, and I really don’t get what went through the minds of the developers in Microsoft when they wrote this class.

To be (brutally) short, GZip is a derivative of the Deflate algorithm with some additional headers tucks on it. This seems like an ideal case for inheritance, put the Deflate algorithm in its own class, and then put the GZip handling in a derived class.

On the surface, this is what both Microsoft and #ZipLib did, but I took a look inside today with Reflector and found that System.IO.Compression.GZipStream is nothing but an empty shell around DeflateStream. I mostly expected that, but I was very surprised to see that no where in GZipStream there was handling of the  GZip headers.

Looking a little deeper, I found this constructor:

internal DeflateStream(Stream stream, CompressionMode mode, bool leaveOpen, bool usingGZip)


It makes the OO developer in me cringe in pain. Why would they do that? This means that the DeflateStream needs to knows about its children, that it has specialized behavior for one specific child, etc. This is just wrong.

The #ZipLib got classes that actually have behavior, by the way. That is, the child class extend the functionality of the base class. This sounds familiar, I wonder where I heard those before…