Building a full blown application with Castle

time to read 2 min | 236 words

Recently I'd a couple of IM conversations with people who wants to build applications with MonoRail & Brail, but there isn't any useful sample application for that. There is Castle's Samples, but they don't cover Brail, and there doesn't seem to be a step-by-step tutorial for creating a full application using Castle. The Pet Store example covers most of Castle, and it certainly helps, but some people like to read tutorials better than look at the code.

I'm going to try to build such a tutorial here, starting from scratch and getting a full application in the end. The application I'm going to write is the Mythical Bug Tracker, using C# 2.0 and the latest bits of Castle. I'm using revision 1688, but the latest release should be just as good.

I'm going to write a series of posts in the subject, describing in detial how to bulid this application. I'm also going to use this to pimp some of the things that I like to do, so it's not just a discussion about how to use Castle, but also about what I find as best practices.